How can we help?

Together We
Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

Together We Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

We’d love to connect with you.

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Working with the ‘experts/people’ in the system, to co-create sustainable transformation through insight driven actionable strategies to design processes and services that meet the needs of the whole system, rather than just part.

Excellence Model


People are the heartbeat of any system
. You can accelerate impact by bringing the right people together to design and test new products, processes, services and experiences


The ICE excellence model equips people and organisations to evolve and grow through our unique human-centred design experience. We collaborate to turn little ideas into big innovations helping to design solutions for the world’s toughest problems.


We work towards impact
Over the last 20 years we have engaged with thousands of people all over the UK generating a plethora of ideas for good. Activating passionate, diverse groups of people has had powerful results - whether you're building solutions, creating social movements or encouraging aspiring innovators. With your support, we are designing a better future together. #wemakebetterhappen

As designers, we break down large-scale transformation and change challenges into a series of discrete yet interdependent elements which combine to shift behaviours. Habits create opportunities for growth, evolution and revolution. We equip you to focus on the things that matter in achieving your goals even in the biggest design challenges, never settling for the status quo.






"Our open '7Es' model and philosophy that allows creativity (ideas that add value) to thrive by equipping people to break down barriers, find support and iterate the ideas and energies of the many to create real sustainable change."






We bring people together 

We practice open creativity that leads to scalable innovation to solve today's complex problems. When people come together it ignites ideas and enables coordinated action to make better happen. 

Creating spaces for passionate people to share their diverse skills and perspectives accelerates our shared journey. The key in transformation is what each person brings being unique and loaded with contextualised skills, expertise and experience which we distill through purposeful design discipline and evidence-based science to deliver real impact.



Process Design
Process Meeting


Nurturing change

We know the best innovative ideas are often pollinated and nurtured from the bottom up through the personal energy and commitment of those it matters to.  We help our clients develop the right greenhouse environment helping them develop and grow, allowing successful projects to take root and create sustainable improvements.