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Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

Together We Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

We’d love to connect with you.

Health Checks

Many of us want to feel fitter and stronger, have more energy, sleep better and be less stressed - having a NHS Health Check is a great place to start.

We offer FREE NHS Health Checks to residents living in target areas Coventry & Hull.

There are many things we all love and enjoy about our lives that we don’t want to change. As we get older, we’re more at risk of illness if we don’t keep our heart healthy. The good news is, you don’t have to lose out on the things you enjoy. If you understand how healthy your heart is today, it can make a big difference to helping you stay well.

Many of us want to feel fitter and stronger, have more energy, sleep better and be less stressed - having a NHS Health Check is a great place to start. You will learn about your health, what changes you can make to improve how you feel and you will also help the NHS to save money and time on illnesses that can be prevented.


Health Check
Be Plas
Arden & Gem
Britains Energy Coast
Rolls Royce
The Body Shop
University of Manchester
Torbay Pharmaceuticals
Tatton Park
Community Gateway
British Psychological Society
Compassion UK
Department of Health
Great Western Railways
Lake District National Parks
General Medical Council
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
Boehringer Inglehiem
Manchester University Hospitals Trust
Nursing and Midwifery Council
NHS England
Healthy Schools
Merseyside Police
University of Durham
Sport England
NHS Collaborate
Wirral MBC
Faculty of medical leadership
North West Ambulance Service
Coventry City Council
Liverpool City Council
Homerton NHS
Home Group
Kirklees Council
NHS Blood & Transplant
Riverside housing
NHS Gloucesetershire

Who is it for?

FREE to residents who:

    • Are aged between 40 and 74
    • Have not been told you have heart disease, diabetes or kidney disease by your GP or had a stroke
    • Are not on statins
    • Have not had an NHS Health Check in the last five years
    • Are signed up with a GP in Coventry.


What happens at the NHS Health Check?

Our trained healthy lifestyle coaches provide quick and easy tests to understand how healthy you are now. Like an MOT for your body, you’ll see what’s working well and be given your own personalised plan.This will give you simple steps to stay healthy or, if needed, to make small lifestyle changes – so you can keep doing the things you love and enjoy for longer.


Healthy Lifestyles (1)

The check takes about 20-30 minutes and the following will be recorded:

    • History of family illness and any medication you have been prescribed
    • Your height, weight, sex, ethnicity and age
    • Blood pressure
    • Cholesterol level (after a simple blood test)
    • Information regarding your diet, exercise and alcohol intake
    • Body mass index (BMI).

Clear advice and support 

You will be given clear advice and support which will help to reduce your risk of suffering a cardiovascular disease in the future. If appropriate, you will be referred to the local Healthy Lifestyles Service for further support. If necessary, you may be referred to your GP for follow up tests, which may result in you being offered medications to help reduce cholesterol levels and blood pressure.

How do I get a free NHS Health Check?

Our team is delivering NHS Health Checks in community venues, GP surgeries and workplaces in Coventry & Hull. Join the five million people who have already had their NHS Health Check

Coventry: Call Healthy Lifestyles Team, 0800 122 3780
Click Here for further information
Hull: Call ICE Head Office on 0151 647 4700
Click Here for further information

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