How can we help?

Together We
Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

Together We Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

We’d love to connect with you.

Insight Group 569@2X (1)

 We discover what drives human behaviour and decision-making to deliver applied behavioural insights that address challenges and inform solutions.

Magnifying glass


Why do people behave the way they do?

For people to make better choices - whether it’s to do with their health and wellbeing or to help your organisation achieve its goals and purpose – you need to understand what motivates their decision.


We can help you do that. We are fascinated with understanding why people think, feel and behave the way they do. We are experts in finding out the insight you need to change behaviours – changes which are lasting and sustainable.


Behaviour is complex and no one-size-fits-all. Led by our insight, we work with you to develop and apply the positive steps you need to achieve and sustain meaningful and positive behaviour change and to evaluate success.


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Insight 2


Deep dive

We bring our expertise in behavioural research and theory to help you discover people’s underlying beliefs, values and emotions that we know drive behaviours and the decisions people make.

We believe nothing is unknowable, you just need to know how to ask. Our techniques include asking clean, non-leading questions to ensure insight is authentic and robust. By exploring and working with people’s own metaphors, it’s possible to uncover what is really driving their behaviour.



Diving goggles


In Their Shoes

Group 379@2X

Behaviour is complex and no one-size-fits-all. Led by our insight, we work with you to deliver and apply the positive steps you need to engage people and achieve your goals.

Behavioural Insights