How can we help?

Together We
Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

Together We Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

We’d love to connect with you.

Behavioural Marketing

Behavioural marketing features a powerful set of tools for influencing behaviour in an ethical, sustainable and cost effective way.

Behavioural marketing – also known as ‘social marketing’ – is an approach designed to deliver outcomes at a societal level. It will deliver change and help you maintain people’s behaviour for the benefit of them as individuals and society as a whole.

We combine proven theory & practical application of commercial marketing, behavioural economics and social sciences including psychology and sociology. 

Our journey starts with five important questions:

  • What outcomes do we want to achieve?
  • Which people / stakeholders do we need to involve?
  • What behaviours are we influencing?
  • How do we go about it – which tools do we need?
  • How will we measure the outcomes?

Behavioural (social) marketing is not to be confused with social media marketing. They are very different disciplines - in fact at ICE we often use social media marketing as one of the tool sets of behavioural marketing.

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"Social marketing is the adaptation of commercial marketing technologies to programs designed to influence the voluntary behaviour of target audiences to improve their personal welfare and that of the society of which they are a part."



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We leverage our knowledge of the 13 social determinants of health which all play a part in shaping a person’s or communities’ reality and experiences.

Only once you really understand and ‘walk in the shoes’ of people can you design strategies and solutions to positively help them to address their own lifestyle behaviours and choices to make the desired changes. Our approach is inclusive, engaging and empowering – involving the right people.


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Deep Dive

Our techniques help you to dive deeper to get ‘deep under the surface’ of target audience - understand their world, what makes them tick - their values, beliefs, behaviours, motivations and drivers.

We co-design solutions through interactive experiences which allow us to test, push envelopes and ultimately create the right solutions which will drive change.

Be Plas
Arden & Gem
Britains Energy Coast
Rolls Royce
The Body Shop
University of Manchester
Torbay Pharmaceuticals
Tatton Park
Community Gateway
British Psychological Society
Compassion UK
Department of Health
Great Western Railways
Lake District National Parks
General Medical Council
Merseyside Fire & Rescue Service
Boehringer Inglehiem
Manchester University Hospitals Trust
Nursing and Midwifery Council
NHS England
Healthy Schools
Merseyside Police
University of Durham
Sport England
NHS Collaborate
Wirral MBC
Faculty of medical leadership
North West Ambulance Service
Coventry City Council
Liverpool City Council
Homerton NHS
Home Group
Kirklees Council
NHS Blood & Transplant
Riverside housing
NHS Gloucesetershire
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Our approach

Behavioural marketing is a systematic and planned process. It follows seven planning steps to ensure all projects and programmes are consistent and robust. 

Our behavioural marketing solutions are designed with full consultation and engagement with the very groups whose behaviour we want to change and influence using a blend of innovative insight research and co-creation techniques to ensure we don't ask the ‘usual questions and engage with the usual people’.

Building Your Campaign

Our insight researchers work hand in hand with our marketing & engagement, creative & digital specialists to ensure that your creative campaign is built ground up from insight.

We bring the latest proven behavioural theory/models and use them to guide and empower the positive impact your ICE Behavioural campaign has. We know Gen X and Z as contemporary populations behave and interact with their environments and we must engage on their turf. We equally know our older population engage in different ways and through different channels.


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Your creative briefs are your babies and we take careful hold of them and our teams co-develop effective actionable strategies. Led by our client services team, our insight researchers will lead with both your target audience, you as our partner, and a powerful mix of marketers, phycologists, sociologists and creatives as the magic begins to happen.