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Together We
Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

Together We Make Better Happen

For a friendly chat about how ICE can help you, your organisation or community there are numerous ways to get in touch.

We’d love to connect with you.

Lean Systems Thinking

We have distilled the essence of our approach into four inter­dependent components: Systems Thinking, Understanding Variation, Human Centred Design and Knowledge.  We call this “make better happen knowledge”.

Lean Systems Thinking

The ICE approach for Lean Systems Thinking challenges the shortfalls of contemporary management with a clear alternative. We have recognised the deep rooted problems in organisations and systems that drive hierarchy and reduce autonomy.

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ICE freedom at work systems thinking pays particular attention to six attributes that make the biggest impact.

  • Poor leadership - a command and control approach is not effective in times of rapid change and innovation
  • Short term thinking - at the expense of long term improvement and consistent growth
  • The management focus on individual business functions or teams - instead of end to end customer processes)
  • The use of local arbitrary targets - instead of working to optimise the way the whole organisation or system works together
  • The buying of the cheapest components and services - as opposed to optimising quality and total cost
  • The reliance on quality checks at the end of a process or service - as a substitute for eliminating the root causes of errors and waste - and driving a culture of experimentation

Our Approach 

We have distilled the essence of our approach into four inter­dependent components that we call the system to “make better happen knowledge”. Together these represent the key disciplines that describe how we work with our partner organisations and how they become more successful. We provide the tools and a coaching mentor partnership so our partners achieve the breakthrough in all aspects of their business.

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The four components are:  

  • Systems Thinking - optimising how your business processes operate from end to end, working together with your suppliers and for the benefit of your customers, and ultimately for the benefit of their world
  • Understanding Variation - using statistics to gain new insights into business performance and to drive improvements in a sustainable way
  • Human Centred Design / Psychology - understanding what makes people tick, how to empower them and how to remove the constraints of their ideas and enthusiasm
  • Knowledge - the importance of learning, operational definitions and how informed rational predictions can be made by managers about future

Doing the right thing is essential, doing things right links with your people purpose.

The ICE 7Es systems thinking planning model takes away uncertainty for our partners, designed to take you through facilitated systems improvement journeys with live demand. We commit to enabling your teams to work through learning by doing and experiencing the results of improvement first-hand, building sustainability through internal capacity building.

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